You might have heard anyone can clean a stone floor? Some people try to take matters into their own hands and scrub between the tiles with a toothbrush to get at that gunky build-up that mops and brooms can’t reach. Unfortunately, that’s a lot easier said than done. It is a back-breaking chore that, after all the work, yields mixed results at best. After potentially hours of scrubbing, you often have nothing substantial to show for it but several aching joints and a filthy toothbrush. So what’s going to save your back and deliver a deep, safe, healthy cleaning? A professional team trained specifically to clean stone floors.
Maintaining pH while cleaning is extremely important
While cleaning stone floors it is extremely important to maintain the pH of the cleaner. If you use too acidic or too alkaline solutions you might end up ruining the luster and shine of the stone. So it is imperative to maintain the pH level to 7 (neutral). We maintain the pH level of the cleaning solution to 7 from start to end.
Cover surrounding areas to avoid contact
Although the solutions used to clean the stone floor are neutral we make sure that we cover the surrounding areas with proper tapes and protective layers, so that we don’t damage the material/quality of upholstery or any other furniture.
Use floor machine to hone (wet diamond sand) the stone
To make sure that the dirt and bacteria build upon the stone, it is important that you agitate the cleaning solution sprayed on the floor with our wet-diamond-sand mechanism. This mechanism thoroughly cleans the floor without leaving any scratches behind. For marble floors especially, it is very important to scrub the floor with care.
Clean grout joints
As much as it is important to clean the surface of the floor it is also important to clean the grout joints thoroughly. The reason behind that is the fact that as grouts have an undulating surface, it is, unfortunately, the best place for bacterial growth. With bacterial growth, the acidity of the floor will increase and that will result in declining the life of the floor. Also, it affects the health of you, your family, and your pets.
Polish to a high or low shine
The final step is to polish the floor to give it a fresh and new look. Depending on your needs, we can polish your floor to a high or a low shine.
*Apply a penetrating sealer (Optional Step)
To protect your floor’s shine for a longer duration, we also provide you an additional service of applying a penetrating sealer. The sealer preserves the shine of the floor and protects it from minimal scratches and damage for a period of time.
Call us today at 813-748-8806 to get a FREE quote on your stone floor cleaning or email us.